Circulatory System Station

Part #1-Heart and Loop Folder

  1. Every person gets a copy of this document.
  2. Using the page protected sheets,
    1. Label the parts of the heart on your notes
    2. Read the “slide” for Blood Loop #1 Heart and Lungs.  Complete the notes for Loop #1.
    3. Read the slide for Loop #2 Heart and Body.  Complete the notes for Loop #2.
    4. Attach this onto page ______ of your notebook.

Part #2-Blood and Circulation

  1. Each person gets a copy of this document.
  2. Read the article “It Circulates”.
  3. Answer the 4 questions about the article.  
  4. Underline the context evidence you used to answer the question.
  5. Blood Component Diagram
    1. Color “RED BLOOD CELLS” → RED
    3. Color “BLOOD VESSEL” → BLUE
    4. Color “PLATELETS” → YELLOW
  6. Attach this handout to page ___ of your notebook.

Digestive System Station

  1. There are 4 CLASS copies of the Digestive System article.
  2. Answer the questions as you go along.
  3. Attach this onto page ______ of your notebook.

Endocrine System Station

  1. Watch the VIDEO
  2. As you find out what each gland does, lightly color the name of the gland and the matching description the same color.  Which color? The one listed under the gland name in the puzzle.
  3. Attach this onto page ______ of your notebook.

Excretory System Station

  1. Every person gets a copy of the notes page with the urinary system on front and notes inside.
  2. Watch the VIDEO
  3. Read the Reading Passage about the Urinary System.  Use the word bank to complete the missing information.
  4. Attach handout on Urinary System to page ____ of notebook.

Integumentary System Station

  1. Every person gets a copy of the Article on the Integumentary System.
  2. As a group, either select a strong reader to read aloud to group, or take turns reading each section.
  3. As you are reading, you will see “*”.  This is a question you should be able to answer in the section above the “*”.
  4. At the end of the article, there is a “What you learned” section.  Answer these questions.
  5. Attach this onto page ______ of your notebook.

Immune System Station

  1. Every person gets a copy of the Immunity System: Reading Activity with “clouds” and a copy of the Lines of Defense .
  2. As a group, read the article explaining the immunity system.  Inside each cloud, write a summary of the main idea. Do not rewrite everything.  Once done, “Level-Up” to the lines of defense page.
  3. Use the article to support your answers for Level #1.  
  4. Once completed, check your Level #1 answers on the wall where they are listed.
  5. Use the article to support your answers for Level #2.  
  6. Once completed, check your Level #2 answers on the wall where they are listed.
  7. Use the article to support your answers for Level #3.  
  8. Once completed, check your Level #3 answers on the wall where they are listed.
  9. Now attach your papers to pages __________ in your notebook.

Respiratory System Station

  1. Every person gets a copy of the Respiratory System.
  2. Starting with the side titled “YOUR BODY: LUNGS”, read the short article at the top.  
  3. Use the reading, word bank and diagram to solve the crossword puzzle.
  4. Use the staple packet to complete the notes on the respiratory system.
  5. Finish the last section to show what you know.
  6. Attach this onto page _____ of your notebook.

Skeletal/Muscular System Station

  1. Every person gets a copy of skeletal/muscular system notes.
  2. This folder has 2 types of page protected sheets.
    1. Muscles-use this page to complete the types and examples notes on muscles.  Use the pictures to determine the function of muscles.
    2. Axial and Appendicular Skeleton
      1. use this page to label the missing bone names on your skeleton.
      2. Color the axial bones one color and appendicular bones another color.  Color the key with the colors you chose.
  3. Go HERE to learn about joints and complete your notes on Joints.
  4. Go HERE to learn about Bones.  You will notice that only 2 were listed for your notes.  Please add the other 3 types as well on that side.
  5. Attach this onto page _____ of your notebook.

Nervous System Station

  1. Every person gets a copy of Nervous System Notes.
  2. Distribute the 4 different articles: Your Brain & Nervous System, Why Do Zombies Love Brains?, Human Brain: Facts, Functions & Anatomy, or How does the nervous system work?  such that each person has a different article.  If you need to read in Spanish use the Your Brain & Nervous System article which is disponible aqui en espanol.
  3. Quietly read your article.
  4. On your notes page in the correct box, write 3-5 interesting facts you learned from the article about the nervous system and/or your brain.
  5. When everyone is done, share at your table your 3-5 facts. While you listen to your teammates talk, write down their facts on your notes.
  6. Using information from the articles, complete the labels of the parts of the brain.
  7. Using information from the articles, describe what each part of the brain does in the chart provided.
  8. Attach this onto page ___ of your notebook.