- Define mass as the measure of atomic “stuff”; contrast with volume – the amount of space an object occupies.
- Use a multiple beam or double-pan balance to determine the mass of various objects.
- Record the value of an object’s mass in a manner consistent with the limit of precision of the balance.
- Represent class data using a histogram; use the histogram to interpret trends in the data.
- Develop, from experimental evidence, the law of conservation of system mass.
- Relate the volume of a container (in cm3) to the volume of liquid it contains (in mL).
- Recognize that instruments have a limit to their precision; relate the data recorded to the quality of the measurement.
- Given a graph of mass vs. volume of a various substances, relate the slope to the density of the substances.
- Recognize that density is a characteristic property of matter (i.e., it can be used to help identify an unknown substance).
- Use density as a conversion factor between mass and volume; apply this to quantitative problems.
- Use differences in density of solids, liquids and gases as evidence for differences in the structure of matter in these phases.
Lab Safety
GPB: Scientific Method
SNL Skit Regarding Imperial Units
Eureka Mass
Density Calculations
Graphing Density
Graphing Line of Best Fit in Desmos
Significant Figures
Physical & Chemical Properties & Changes
Scientific Notation
States of Matter
Properties of Matter
Physical vs. Chemical Properties
Physical vs. Chemical Changes
Dimensional Analysis
Metric & Double Conversions
Operations with Scientific Notation
Unit Conversions with Cubed Units
Explore States of Matter at PhET
Explore Density, Mass & Volume at PhET
NFPA Diamond
Practice Identifying Variables
Printable Ruler
Practice: Physical vs. Chemical Changes (Khan Academy)
More Practice: Physical vs. Chemical Changes