8.L.3.1 – Explain how factors such as food, water, shelter and space affect populations in an ecosystem.
- Population Density
- PhET Simulation: Population Growth
- Learn more about Endangered Plants in NC
8.L.3.2 – Summarize the relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers including the positive and negative
consequences of such interactions including:
• Coexistence and cooperation
• Competition (predator/prey)
• Parasitism
• Mutualism
- Energy Flow
- Untamed Science: Symbiosis
- Amoeba Sisters on Food Webs & Energy Pyramids
- WS-Energy Flow
- WS-Coral Reef Food Web
8.L.3.3 Explain how the flow of energy within food webs is interconnected with the cycling of matter (including water, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, and oxygen).
- Amoeba Sisters on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
- Flow of Matter
- Melting Glaciers
- Glacier Profile – Mendenhall
- The Carbon Cycle
- The Nitrogen Cycle
- Amoeba Sisters on Photosynthesis vs. Cellular Respiration
- Time Lapse of Melting Glacier
- NASA Video on Carbon
- Greenhouse Gases
- Ice Core Sampling
- Video: National Ice Core Lab
- Website of the National Ice Core Lab